

This month has been passing by so quickly.  This year is off to good start.

Wedding Goal:  So no exact date yet and no venue either.  But things are hopeful!! Jeff and i recently went to the portland bridal show which gave us more ideas  and more options for venues so very exciting to look at some! but....there is one my heart is set on but we will see if i change my mind.  Cant believe how much time and $$$ goes into one!

Crafty goal:  No beanie yet but planning on crocheting it this coming Monday.  Trip to ikea soon, ( just waiting for payday) and my crafty section will be complete.  I'm so excited to get everything organized! and to start crafting more!!

Food goal:  im almost ready to make jap chae this week.  and the lamb and siopao, let me get back to you on that.

Physical Goal:  today will be the third week i worked out! Yay!  coming from someone who hasn't worked out in a couple years, this is pretty impressive in my eyes.  There is this awesome iphone app from nike that do 30 minute workouts and tell ya what to do!  im very proud of myself.  :)

Appa has been to the dog park twice this one.  I haven't been able to take her out due to weather but she is become a very loyal dog and i love her so much!  She can naughty sometimes but she has a big heart.  

I already have ideas for next month but lets stay focused!

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