
i admit i am a messy person. really messy. If you walked into my apartment right now, the whole left side of the hallway are covered in my shoes. i have always been a messy person, but only at home. I tend to put things in random places and remind myself over and over again that its here only to forget it later. A lot of unfinished projects and a lot of things that i don't want to organize. Why can i be so organized at work and be so messy at home is a question i ask myself frequently. Its funny, cause i think i organize in a messy way. I know it contradicts itself but its the only way i can describe it.

On the same subject, i was watching oprah one day and she just went through her closet and decided to throw (she is selling it on ebay and using the money for her foundation...how nice of her!) old clothes, shoes, bags etc. Her magazine, that i was inspired to buy, talks about de-cluttering all the different aspects of your life. The article really got me thinking about when was the last time i went through my closet. so i attempted to de-clutter my closet. and the stress began.

time to throw out the old and embrace the new.

what's my next project?

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